Help me please 😭 I have autism

Hello, my name is Josiah Oyebisi I am reaching out to you today to share my story and ask for your help. 

I have been suffering from asthma ever since I can remember. It has been a constant battle for me, limiting my physical activities and affecting my daily life. Despite my efforts to manage my condition, it seems like it is getting worse as I get older. I have tried various medications and treatments, but the expenses are getting harder and harder to cover. 

I have missed work days and even some important events due to my condition. It saddens me that I cannot do the things I love or spend quality time with my family and friends without having to worry about my asthma. 

I am reaching out to you today to ask for your financial support. I need help covering my medical expenses and treatment costs, so I can continue to manage my asthma and live a better quality of life. Every little bit counts and I would be eternally grateful for your support. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for considering making a donation to help me through this difficult time.

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