The value of performing music in public

📰3 years ago762 views

The importance of playing an instrument and performing in front of people is vital for the student’s development. A future musician must know how to face with great naturalness the public, a stage, it’s also very important to master the jitters and the shaking.

This is a part of the musical learning process, although it may be hard for some students, with time results to be a gratifying experience since music besides all of the studying and technique is a scenic art that also expresses feelings and these must touch people in the public.

Stepping on a stage, mostly from a young age, makes us no strangers to all the adverse elements that at the beginning all performers must face, this is what we know as ‘stage fright’. Meaning; we must face and defeat the fear of not being up to some level musically, that we might confuse the notes, it could also happen to forget the whole thing once you’re up to perform, hands shaking… you name it. 

All these forms of fears might be defeated only performing, auditioning, doing recitals and concerts, you might feel nervou...