A 10-Step Guide to Find Hidden Crypto Gems for 100x
1. Chart Analysis for Bullish Trends
Begin your research by scrutinizing coin price chart. Confirm that the crypto project's chart demonstrates a pattern where prior resistance levels transform into reliable support. This consistent trend signifies market confidence and can be a positive signal for potential investors.
2. Low Market Cap
Look for hidden gems with a market cap under 50 million, and avoid projects that were part of the previous bull run. This helps filter out potential issues like abandoned projects with old holders who are waiting to sell.
3. Clean Smart Contract
Verify the integrity of the smart contract. Ensure it doesn't contain scammy features such as minting, excessive taxes, or wallet freezing (unless on the testnet). Utilize tools like GoPlus Labs, Quick Intel or DexTools for verification.
4. Centralized Exchange Presence
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